Look at me, doing another blog...like I'm a fancy blogger or something.
Writer's block. Sucks, amirite? 😋
The words start flowing, your fingers are typing a mile a minute and then BOOM. Brick wall...like that rough concrete surface that scrapes your skin, not that nice leveled red brick. I guess that'd be a concrete wall then, huh? Well, whatever wall you hit, it's not fun. It's frustrating and can often lead to tears, crumpling up of paper, or deserting the project for an undetermined length of time. When that moment hits for me, my mind goes dark, no creative thoughts flow. It's just silence and then maybe a random song that I hate starts playing in my head. Now, all I can think about is this dang song and why am I singing it if I hate it so much.
It's super frustrating to say the least. Here's what has worked for me when that I hit that road block.
A good 'ol fashioned pen and paper When I have no idea where to bring the story next, I take out a notebook and brainstorm ideas. For each idea, I branch off different outcomes and where I can take the story line next or how I can veer it towards my intended outcome. Eventually, something may click.
Step away from the keyboard You ever just stare at it and hope that magically it'll start typing for you? It's not going to happen and if it does, it's possessed and IT won't be able to help you. Go for a walk. Watch TV. Read a book. Garden. Play with a puppy. Do something to help clear your mind. More importantly, don't stress over it. The ideas will come. If you force them, the readers will sense it in your writing. As long as you don't have a deadline of some sort, take the time you need to write the book you have always intended.
Ask someone for someone's opinion The tip is kinda self-explanatory. Throw ideas out to a friend or family member or a stranger in a FB group you're in. For me, if I want an honest opinion, I'm going to my mom. She's brutally honest, maybe a lil too honest. She's the first person to tell me if an idea is trash. Who knows, an outsider's opinion or idea, someone not close to your work, might spark something that you can morph and make all your own.
What happens when you have writer's block trying to give tips for writer's block? Ugh. I could cheat and google other ideas, but these are the ones I personally use and can think of at this very moment. If all else fails, throw the whole computer away. 10 out of 10 people won't recommend this, and for once, I'll go with the majority. Don't do it! I was joking. Whatever you do do, don't worry or stress over it. It happens. And it'll keep happening at random times. If possible, skip that part of the story and work on a section that is more clear in your thoughts and go back to the other section at a later date.
I hope maybe one of these ideas were helpful and if not, I'm sorry. Do you have any tips for me? What helps you to overcome writer's block. I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out to any of my social media platforms.
Until next time folks.....